- Quince Eka Medica is a natural treasure with vitamins. Its fruits have a lot of vitamin C (seven times more than lemon), B, provitamin A, tannins, pectin. They are fond of the minerals like magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, copper and iodine.
Did you know that ... Latin name quinces: "Cydonia" comes from the name of the city lying on Crete, where once were its cultivation. Although it comes from areas of the Southern Caucasus and Siberia, it was established in Europe and is grown also in Poland.
It enjoyed its popularity in the Middle Ages, when number of preserves were produced from it. The word "marmalade" comes precisely from the name of quince jam popular in Portugal. In Poland, due to its sour taste, Quince is sometimes called the "Polish lemon."
Quinces primarily strengthen the immune system especially during periods of winter-spring and autumn and winter. They have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract mainly due to the high content of pectin. Modern phytotherapy recommends eating quince in the form of juice with honey.
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